Getting Started with Computer Code  – Part 2

2.pngThere are just a few more things you need to know we get started on action!

While coding is not hard, it can get very detailed. If you just want to have fun following along with the examples you can skip the details. If you want to become a serious programmer one day, just take it one sentence at a time. Even I get overwhelmed with information.

To start, you need to have a basic understanding of math, too. Nothing complicated, just addition,subtraction, multiplication, and division. Easy stuff!

With patience and dedication,  coding can become very easy and enjoyable!

With those details of course comes the possibility of making mistakes. It’s easy to make a mistake but just as easy to fix! Simple mistakes are usually minor like a misspelled word, missing period, anything small can cause your code not to work the way you want it to. These are called “bugs” and when we edit our code to fix these bugs it’s called “debugging”.

It’s very common to debug code so don’t get discouraged if it seems like you’re doing it a lot!

Getting Started with Computer Code

Welcome to alert(“Code”)! We’re happy to see you excited to learn how to code! Don’t be intimidated, or worried, it’s easy and we make it fun!

You don’t have to have experience to start either. Or maybe you got your start coding in or for Minecraft and that’s great, too! In fact, that’s how I got my start programming.

There are a lot of programming languages people have made but the important ones are HTML, CSS, and Javascript. These three languages are used in every single web page you’ve ever visited!

With practice and dedication, the possibilities you can create with code are endless.